Wednesday, March 22, 2017

On President Duterte's Handling of the Philippine-China Relations

Considering Philippine national interests, putting down the Rodrigo Roa Duterte leadership stance and some Filipino scholars on the Philippine-China relations---to the point of questioning their intellectual capability, being backward and a loser mindset---is uncalled for.

I personally do not believe that the mindset of a president who for the first time in history optimized a high octane power politics in the post-EDSA Philippines is at all backward and a loser---but a big WINNER in the realm of geopolitics.

Precisely, a mindset of a winner that did not solely optimize military arsenals to WIN!

Following the line of contention of a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy---as he claimed further to have passed his military history with flying colors--- who had been mentioning four countries that he considered having WINNER mindsets, here are some historical and socio-economic foundations of their WINNING as juxtaposed to the Philippine context prior to the presidency of Mayor Digong Duterte.

Singapore was not recognized by the world because of their military prowess. In reading, also consider the "context specificity "that I had been telling my some Filipino citizens all along. For instance, Israel became military known because their economic activities that led to their controlling of the economies of the US and Europe, hence their military sophistication.

The US became what she is today militarily because of their post-war dominance in the arms race following the payment of the reparation for damages and their economic exploitation of the Philippines---their first and only colony in Asia.

China was already the "celestial empire" even two hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ---may peace be upon him. She became complacent and known as the sleeping giant during the cold-war and now is awake following the economic paradigm shift by revising her constitution in 1981 that resulted in her rise economically and now politically.

In reading, it must be with comprehension ---tempered with context specificity. For instance, on Nick Joaquin's Filipino mindset of smallness---that was in the context of consciousness which was developed considering the 333 years of Spanish colonization, 50 years of American colonialism plus 70-year of neocolonialism, and 3 years of Japanese conquest is not applicable to the wide-read Filipino scholars like Dr. Clarita R. Carlos.

Hence, the introduction of the subjects in history and social sciences in all curricular offerings as a constitutional mandate to all academic institutions including the PMA to precisely liberate the Filipino people from the iota of ignorance towards inclusive development---that the government of the past failed to understand and connect.

The post-colonialist, postmodernist, and at the same time pragmatist President Rody Duterte---whose understanding of historiography, political science, and law is respectable as manifested by his act implementing to the spirit of the independence in Philippine foreign policy in accordance with Art 2, section 7 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution.

As a lifetime learner and passionate educator of history and civilization, politics and culture, socio-economic development, and geopolitics by choice and profession; I have the firm belief that the Philippines leadership will opt for MUTUALITY AND SHARED PROSPERITY through COLLECTIVE SECURITY.

The ASEAN framework is working and China will continously participate actively in the process, as it was in the past for peaceful co-existence. President Duterte's handling of the Philippine-China Relations in my modest analysis is rational---and in accordance with the Philippine national interests.